
Showing posts from June, 2020


Image How to Access Developer Options and Enable USB Debugging on Android Back in Android 4.2, Google hid Developer Options. Since most “normal” users don’t need to access the feature, it leads to less confusion to keep it out of sight. If you need to enable a developer setting, like USB Debugging, you can access the Developer Options menu with a quick trip into the About Phone section of the Settings menu. How to Access the Developer Options Menu To enable Developer Options, open the Settings screen, scroll down to the bottom, and tap About phone or About tablet. Scroll down to the bottom of the About screen and find the Build number. Tap the Build number field seven times to enable Developer Options. Tap a few times and you’ll see a toast notification with a countdown that reads “You are now  X  steps way from being a developer.” When you’re done, you’ll see...


Assalamu'alaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh Eits, ini ada video bagus, yuk kita tonton bareng Pencegahan Covid-19 Bagaimana kabar anak2 sholih, semoga baik-baik saja ya.. yuk kita lanjutkan belajar hari ini! Pembelajaran hari ini adalah: Bahasa Arab jam 09.00-09.35 Link video pembelajaran:  Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Kamis, 11 Juni 2020 Kelas 2A ####### Jadwal Pelajaran Ke 2 Pelajaran Tematik Jam 09.35-10.10 Link video pembelajaran:  Pembelajaran Tematik Kelas 2A ####### Jadwal Pelajaran Ke 3 Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Jam 10.10-10.45 Link video pembelajaran:  Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia ####### Jangan lupa ya.. absen di grup WhatsApp dan mengerjakan tugas Kirim tugas langsung ke guru maple masing-masing.. Sekian pelajaran hari ini, jangan lupa jaga kebersihan dan kesehatan. Rajin sholat 5 waktu, semangat membaca dan menghafal Al Qur'an. Wassalamu'alaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh Ttd Wali Kelas 2 A Abdullooh, S.E